In a recent article from Roofing & Exteriors, editor Gary Thill spoke to RT3 members from Furman Insurance and Cotney Attorneys & Consultants about the ways contractors can protect themselves from cyber attacks. In fact, Thill writes that “construction companies are now the no. 1 target for ransomware attacks.”
John Kenney of Cotney Attorneys & Consultants said he has seen more than a dozen contractors who have been hit with ransomware attacks where hackers were asking for anywhere from $20,000 to $1 million, telling Thill, “There are a lot of contractors getting hit with ransomware, but the truth is no one wants to talk about it because you don’t want it out there.”
Furman Insurance’s Nick Ondo, a commercial risk advisor, says that contractors have become targets because hackers know that they do not have strong IT departments with protective measures in place. He told Thill, “A lot of our clients don’t have sophisticated IT departments. These hackers know that, and then they get into the system and passively monitor it and track every move.”
Kenney and Ondo share six ways that contractors can better protect themselves from these attacks ranging from education to software updates to purchasing cyber insurance. See all the tips and read the full article here.