5 Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Roof Inspections


Did you know that hail drives more property damage in the U.S. than just about anything else? In fact, wind and hail account for between 40-50 percent of homeowner’s insurance claims each year. That’s the bad news. Here’s the better news: artificial intelligence (AI) is enabling fast and accurate hail damage detection, speeding up claims and repairs.  

The days of manual inspections that required workers to climb on ladders and walk around on damaged roofs are fortunately fading into the rearview. Now, workers can use drones coupled with AI-powered systems in order to analyze imagery for rooftop hail damage. These inspections are not only faster, more accurate, and cost-effective, they are also much safer. Here are 5 advantages of using AI technology for roof inspections:

  1. Faster and more efficient inspections: With AI-powered systems, workers can inspect rooftops more quickly and efficiently than they could using traditional methods. AI can analyze a large number of images in a short amount of time and identify hail damage with high accuracy. This not only saves time but also reduces the costs associated with inspections.
  2. Consistency and accuracy: AI systems are designed to be consistent in their analysis. This allows the user to reduce the number of photographs to only the ones that have a high likelihood of hail strikes in the imagery. This speeds up the inspection process and makes the analyst’s job easier and faster.
  3. Remote inspections: With AI-powered systems, it is possible to perform inspections remotely. This means inspectors do not need to be on the roof to detect hail damage. Instead, drones or other aerial vehicles equipped with cameras can capture images of the roof, which can then be analyzed by an AI algorithm. This not only makes inspections safer but also reduces the need for physical access to the roof, and allows for third-party pilots to be utilized for the initial inspection.
  4. Predictive analytics: With enough data, AI algorithms can use historical data to predict the likelihood of future hail damage. This can help property owners and insurance companies proactively address potential issues before they become significant problems. By detecting hail damage early, repairs can be made quickly and at a lower cost.
  5. Cost-effective: AI-powered inspections are generally more cost effective than traditional inspections. With AI, the need for manual labor is significantly reduced, which can save money on labor costs. Additionally, AI-powered systems can detect hail damage that may not be visible to the naked eye, which can prevent more costly repairs down the road.

The benefits of using AI to analyze imagery to identify rooftop hail damage improves analyst workflows and creates a more efficient way to identify hail damage than traditional methods. As technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that AI-powered inspections will become even more prevalent in the roofing industry. The applications are endless, but AI still has a long way to go before it completely replaces human analysts.These tools do wonders for creating efficiencies for roofing and insurance companies looking to understand the full scope of hail damage on a rooftop. To learn more about Zeitviews AI solutions for roofing inspections, visit us at Zeitview.com/roofing 

RT3 Member Cognitive Contractor Launches Data-Driven Customer Acquisition Solution for Contractors

The company delivers industry-specific sales & marketing technologies backed by the science of data.


Cognitive Contractor, a pioneer in the application of data-driven customer acquisition solutions to the contractor industry, formally launched its end-to-end sales and marketing solution to the roofing and solar sectors.

Developed by roofing, construction, and technology entrepreneur Josey Parks, this purpose-built solution helps companies prioritize their sales and marketing efforts to focus on the leads that are most likely to become customers.
“Our technology can accurately predict your next sale,” explained Parks. “Now, sales teams are equipped with the knowledge they need to ensure they are knocking on the right doors and not wasting valuable sales hours or marketing dollars on people who will never convert. We also back their sales efforts with multi-channel marketing campaigns that pre-set appointments, so sales reps just have to show up and close. And every campaign is tracked, reviewed, and refined, to continually improve results.”

Cognitive Contractor uses data analytics to build profiles of a contractor’s ideal core customer. Their AI-based technology uses this information to analyze the market and predict which leads are most likely to buy. Leads can also be filtered based on their highest potential value or lifetime value to hit specific revenue goals. When combined with the company’s highly targeted and personalized multi-channel marketing campaigns, contractors report closing rates that increase by double digits.

The company’s analytical approach to data-driven lead generation and engagement produces powerful sales numbers for contractors who use the solution, including Parks’ own companies. “Data is powerful. When you analyze your customer base, you can identify common attributes among your best performing customers. Then, you can use that customer profile to identify similar targets in your market,” Parks explained. “Cognitive Contractor is far more advanced and deliberate than traditional lead generation services, where sales teams scramble to respond first—even when a lead doesn’t fit the company’s ideal customer profile. We are leveraging technology to help contractors be more strategic and successful in their prospecting efforts.”

Steve Soule of CMR Construction & Roofing said, “Cognitive Contractor has completely changed the trajectory of my company. They have transformed our entire approach to customer acquisition to be targeted and refined. Data-based insights from Cognitive have charted our course, and their continuous guidance has brought us even further than I could have imagined.”

About Cognitive Contractor
Cognitive Contractor delivers industry-leading, data-driven customer acquisition, sales, and marketing technology to the contractor industry. By leveraging the power of big data, analytics, AI, and machine learning, they help contractors predict their next sales, convert leads to appointments, and exceed revenue goals. Born from a pressing need for better sales & marketing solutions in the CEO’s roofing and construction companies, Cognitive Contractor’s team of industry experts and data scientists have a deep understanding of the problems that contractors face and are uniquely positioned to solve them. Learn more at http://www.cognitivecontractor.com.

How Predictive Analytic Technology Can Grow Your Roofing Business

By Tony Agresta, Vice President of Marketing, Nearmap


Predictive analytics is not new, it’s been used by marketers for many years. It is simply using historical data on response or performance to determine who is most likely to buy a product or respond to a promotion. For example, cataloguers would take a sampling of data, send out a mailing and track who responds. The more data they had about the people such as income, age, interests, prior buying history, the better they could predict future buying behavior since the responders and non-responders could be modeled.

By scoring and modeling the data, a company could focus their dollars and marketing efforts on the people who scored highest and were determined to be the most likely to buy. Rich, accurate models leverage robust data sets.   That same concept can be applied to roofing, using modern technology, to determine the properties most likely to need roofing services.

Many roofing contractors today already understand the value that high-resolution aerial maps bring to their business. The images provide a lot of data about a property that satellite imagery cannot. For instance, using freely available satellite imagery, it’s not easy to tell the difference between a solar panel or a skylight on a roof, and it can be hard to tell what type of roofing material is on the property.

With higher-resolution aerial maps, contractors can review properties, see the type of roof, whether there are skylights, solar panels, outbuildings, the presence or absence of trees, and can even look back over time to see how the roofs may have changed.   High-resolution aerial maps provide the detail needed to classify features of the property and the grounds.  Just the way the cataloguers could use sample data to differentiate responders from non-responders or multi-product buyers from single product buyers, aerial maps can be used to create data sets that classify type of roof and other features.

When machine learning algorithms are applied to this new source of data, users can automatically detect which properties have skylights, or solar panels or missing shingles. It could detect the pitch and potentially the type of roof material. Then the algorithm could store all those attributes in a database. The database is important because now you have data about all the properties in an area that can be queried.

Querying the database would allow a contractor to ask for only properties that meet certain criteria to be returned. Perhaps you want roofs of a certain size, or ones that appear to have damage, or only want to look at roofs with asphalt shingles. You no longer must spend the time manually scanning through images of properties, the algorithm does it for you.

By assigning scores to certain characteristics and using artificial intelligence and machine learning, the database can deliver a list of leads that are prime candidates for a new roof. This allows you to strategically deploy your sales team to the homes that score the highest, rather than walking a neighborhood knocking on every door.  Companies providing aerial maps are applying machine learning to vivid imagery. They are refining the algorithms, building accuracy into the models and making the resulting data available to roofers to help drive their business faster.

Study Finds Construction Industry Can Benefit From Artificial Intelligence Adoption

A McKinsey & Co. study on artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the construction industry reports a combined use of machines and digital technology can enhance quality control, project scheduling, data analysis, and project cost savings, according to www.constructiondive.com.

The construction industry currently is the second-least digitized economic sector in the world, and the industry needs to lay the groundwork before AI can be widely adopted. The study identifies investment in data collection and processing tools like cloud infrastructure and advanced analytics as the first step.

There has been increased interest in sensors, cloud-based data sharing and mobile connectivity within the construction industry. Some employers already are using wearable sensory devices to monitor workers’ location and equipment at worksites. Data collected from the devices is transmitted to a cloud-based platform accessible from any compatible mobile device. AI algorithms advance the process one step further by deploying real-time solutions based on data analysis, helping employers ensure their workers stay safe on the job.

Industry employers may look to other industries that have successfully used AI to optimize processes, including the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. The study notes an AI algorithm is used by the pharmaceutical industry to predict medical trial outcomes; a similar algorithm may be used by the construction industry to forecast project risks and constructability. And image recognition algorithms used by the healthcare industry to support diagnoses may enable drones to assess construction site images for signs of defects or structural failures.

Note: This article first published on the NRCA website and can be viewed here.

Four Key Tech Trends Revolutionizing Architectural Design and Construction

By Peter Diamantis

From self-healing materials to 4D printing to artificial intelligent-driven design to robots, the construction and building industry is being drastically changed by technology.

If you could design any structure, free of all constraints, what would you envision? Put aside today’s architectural limits. What home would you dream up? Exponential technologies are converging and revolutionizing the way we design, build and inhabit everything. The global construction industry is projected to surpass $10 trillion in 2020, and the total U.S. housing stock alone grew to $31.8 trillion last year.

Both industries are ripe for massive disruption.

In this blog, I’ll be covering four key tech trends that are revolutionizing what is possible in architectural design and construction:

  1. Autonomous robot builders
  2. 3D and 4D printing
  3. New materials from unexpected sources
  4. Designs that adapt as you build

Let’s dive in.

New Materials Enter Construction

For thousands of years, we’ve been constrained by the construction materials of nature. We built bricks from naturally abundant clay and shale, used tree limbs as our rooftops and beams, and mastered incredible structures in ancient Rome with the use of cement. But construction materials are about to get a HUGE upgrade.

Here are the top three materials disrupting the future of construction:

  1. Upcycled Materials: Imagine if you could turn the world’s greatest waste products into their most essential building blocks.

Thanks to UCLA researchers at CO2NCRETE, we can already do this with carbon emissions.Today, concrete produces about 5% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. But what if concrete could instead conserve greenhouse emissions? CO2NCRETE engineers capture carbon from smokestacks and combine it with lime to create a new type of cement. The lab’s 3D printers then shape the upcycled concrete to build entirely new structures. Once conquered at scale, upcycled concrete will turn a former polluter into a future conserver.

Want to print houses from dirt? No problem. The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) can now turn any soil into a building material with three times the tensile strength of industrial clay. A massive breakthrough for developing regions, IAAC’s new 3D printed native soil can build houses on-site for as little as $1,000.

  1. Nanomaterials: Nano- and micro-materials are ushering in a new era of smart, super-strong and self-charging buildings.

While carbon nanotubes dramatically increase the strength-to-weight ratio of skyscrapers, revolutionizing their structural flexibility, nanomaterials don’t stop here. Several research teams are pioneering silicon nanoparticles to capture everyday light flowing through our windows. Little solar cells at the edges of windows then harvest this energy for ready use. (Thermochromic smart windows change color when exposed to sunlight.)

Researchers at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Lab have developed similar smart windows. Turning into solar panels when bathed in sunlight, these thermochromic windows will power our buildings, changing color as they do.

  1. Self-Healing Infrastructure: The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates a $542.6 billion backlog needed for U.S. infrastructure repairsalone. And as I’ve often said, the world’s most expensive problems are the world’s most profitable opportunities.

Enter self-healing concrete. Engineers at Delft University have developed bio-concrete that can repair its own cracks. As head researcher Henk Jonkers explains, “What makes these limestone-producing bacteria so special is that they are able to survive in concrete for more than 200 years and come into play when the concrete is damaged. […] If cracks appear as a result of pressure on the concrete, the concrete will heal these cracks itself.”

But bio-concrete is only the beginning of self-healing technologies. As futurist architecture firms start printing plastic and carbon-fiber houses like the stunner seen below (using Branch Technologies’ 3D printing technology), engineers are tackling self-healing plastic.

WATG Designs 3D-Printed Freeform House with Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic

Plastic not only holds promise in real estate on Earth, it will also serve as a handy material in space. NASA engineers have pioneered a self-healing plastic that may prove vital in space missions, preventing habitat and ship ruptures in record speed.

The implications of self-healing materials are staggering, offering us resilient structures both on earth and in space.

Enhanced Design & Architecture

While incredible new materials transform what we build, AI and VR are revolutionizing how we design.

  1. AI-Driven Design: In the past, if you wanted to build a high-rise, you needed a static, precise blueprint. Moving parts were not an option.

Now, real-time, AI-aided Building Information Model (BIM) will enable blueprints to learn and adapt to changing ground conditions, weather, equipment and even new design ideas.

In the future, AI will help design our blueprints, optimizing construction methods, breakthrough materials, and design features. It may even recommend IoT components for our high-rises depending on their purpose and landscape.

  1. Virtual Reality Shaping Real Estate: In one of my previous blogs, I discussed how VR will reshape our real estate shopping experience. Forget real estate agents and physical house hunting. Why not visit a house in a different city from the comfort of your living room at 3 a.m. and see how it looks with blue walls and your own home furniture?

VR is about to transform the real estate design process too. Imagine the possibilities: you design your company’s dream office using a Building Information Model and allow your managers to walk around the (virtually) finished product before it’s ever built.

Build with Robots and 3D Printing

Designs and machinery won’t build us finished products on their own… or will they? Welcome to the new frontier of autonomous robot builders and skyscraper printers.

  1. Autonomous Robotics and Robot Swarm Construction: While robots have already started permeating the construction industry, what if they could construct buildings entirely autonomously?

Many are already tackling this challenge, using everything from flying robots to termite-like swarm constructors.

RoboticsX aims to send autonomous robot builders to Mars that can adapt to shifting ground conditions. CEO Peter Boras spoke of plans to scale up 3,000 collaborating robots in the hopes of building structures almost entirely unaided. The company’s X-1 Smart Industrial Robot can already collaborate with its colleagues, adapt tasks in real time, share its capabilities with other machines and perform predictive maintenance.

A team at Switzerland’s NCCR Digital Fabrication has also built a fabricator robot. Pre-programmed with design model data, the robot can build any steel-reinforced framework autonomously on-site.

Inspired by autonomously collaborative termites, Harvard robotics researchers developed swarm construction robots that can collaboratively build a programmed design, block-by-block, without centralized control.

Imagine the implications. Eliminating human safety concerns and unlocking any environment, autonomous builder robots could collaboratively build massive structures in space, or deep underwater habitats.

  1. 3D and 4D Printing: In one of the developments I’m most excited about, we will soon be printing tomorrow’s structures. 3D and 4D printing are redefining the way our buildings look, feel and even move.

You may have heard of the Chinese company WinSun Design Engineering Co., which printed 10 houses from recycled materials in 24 hours at a cost of about $4,800 each.

Or Dutch studio DUS Architects, who used sustainable bioplastic to 3D print a full-sized canal house in Amsterdam.

But architectural printing is only getting started.

While companies like INNOprint can print an emergency shelter in only half an hour, others are finding ways to print unprecedented designs, like this never-ending looped house, buildable with one massive robotic 3D printer.

Janjaap Ruijssenaars 3D prints prototype of house with no beginning or end

And now for the real kicker: Remember those magical moving staircases in the Harry Potter films? Turns out these may no longer be exclusive to the wizarding world.

4D printing will one day make such structures a reality. Born out of MIT’s Self-Assembly Lab, 4D printing involves 3D printed objects that can reshape and even self-assemble over time.

These structures involve 3D printing rigid and expandable materials alongside one another. When the expandable materials encounter certain conditions, like water or heat, they reshape and reposition other rigid parts of the structure.

As a result, 4D printed structures have moving joints that can reshape the entire component, whether into different shapes or stairwell directions.

Final Thoughts

With the convergence of autonomous builder robots, 3D and 4D printing, AI-guided design and unprecedented smart materials, we are about to witness the mass disruption of construction and real estate.

What new architectural frontiers will you unlock? How will your company design and print the future? What homes and space colonies will we inhabit?

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Note: This article was first received via email from Peter Diamantis.