Category: <span>2019</span>

First-time attendee’s perspective of an RT3 Live Meetup

By Ryan Bogert, Estimating Edge.

Each and every person in the room was passionate about technology and making the industry a better place.

I recently had the opportunity to attend my first meeting with the RT3 group, at the OMG facilities in Agawam, MA. As someone who has been involved with the roofing industry for close to 20 years and who works for a technology company, I was very excited to join this group.

I was asked to submit a document describing my top 5 takeaways from the meeting with OMG. I first want to just say that being in the room with so many roofing industry professionals who are all so passionate about the industry as well as passionate about incorporating and taking advantage of technology within the industry was astounding. Having the ability to have face-to-face interactions with these people was worth the trip itself. It is also amazing to really see the thought process behind this group and the mission that each and every person in that room has, to make the roofing industry a great place to be and to make it attractive to others that may be looking for a new future.

That brings me to my first takeaway from the meeting itself. It was a pleasure to meet Reid Ribble, NRCA CEO, and to hear him speak about the NRCA and what they have been working on. Among many other things, Reid described an initiative that the NRCA is working on to create a professional certification program that will become available to roofing professionals.

The idea behind this program is directly tied to the idea of making the roofing industry a more attractive industry to recruit new workers to. Giving people the ability to become certified and eventually becoming a “Master Certified Roofing Professional” will certainly be a great step in drawing highly qualified candidates into the market and I look forward to seeing this initiative take off.

Below are just a few of the takeaways that I had the privilege of learning directly from the OMG team:

  • The idea of giving the freedom to all of their employees to come up with “Wild Ideas” about how to better the company. This could include things that may make for a better working environment or even as far as new product ideas. The fact that they listen to their employees and even have a standard path set for them to share their ideas was really great to see.
  • I enjoyed seeing the methods that are used at OMG to take a new idea from conception all the way through to the finalization of the product/process. The methods that they use can really be utilized for any type of company and really seem to make sense for a streamlined decision-making process.
  • They talked about introducing robotics into their manufacturing process and how they came to the realization that they needed to just “take a leap of faith” and jump into it to try to solve some of the problems that they were dealing with. I thought that this mentality really fit perfectly, when it comes to incorporating new technologies into any business, there certainly can be a need to ask people to take a leap of faith that this new technology is going to work and learning from others experiences can certainly make that leap just a bit easier to make.
  • It was quite impressive to see the resulting efforts that the incorporation of LEAN manufacturing and Six Sigma methods have added to the efficiency of daily operations at OMG. It was very clear to see that these efforts have created a very well-oiled machine, I’m sure, resulting in less downtime and higher productivity.

Once again, it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to join RT3 group and I look forward to continuing to learn from and hopefully contributing to the success of this group and helping to make our mission a reality for the entire roofing community.

Ryan Bogert is Director of Product and Customer Success at Estimating Edge and a member of RT3.

RT3 Makes an Impact at the International Roofing Expo

The group’s activities featured a meetup at Vanderbilt and moderating a contractor technology panel.

Members of the Roofing Technology Think Tank (RT3) traveled to Nashville, Tennessee for the 2019 International Roofing Expo (IRE). They began the week by attending a live meetup held at Vanderbilt University and hosted by professor Larry Bridgesmith. After conducting a brief business meeting, the group was introduced to Robert Grajewski, Executive Director at the Wond’ry.

The Wond’ry is the ‘epicenter for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Vanderbilt University.’ RT3 members were given a tour of the three-story, 13,000 square foot center that facilitates innovation between students and faculty from all courses of study, whether that be engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs or artists.

The RT3 team heard stories of innovation and creativity to solve problems and develop new and unique solutions using technology. One psychology PHD candidate used the Wond’ry to develop a never-before-heard-of treatment using virtual reality goggles to transport patients to another world to help them feel safe while dealing with their issues. It’s now being written about in medical journals and being adopted by more psychologists. The team was so impressed with what was happening at the facility that some even went back the next day to share the experience with some of their co-workers who were not able to attend the first time.

On the last day of the IRE, five contractor members of RT3 were featured on a contractor panel to discuss the technologies they are using in their businesses. Ken Kelly of Kelly Roofing, Steve Little of National Roofing Partners and KPost Roofing, Josey Parks of J Wales Enterprises, Michelle Boykin of Rackley Roofing and Gregg Wallick of Best Roofing participated. The panel was moderated by RT3 board member and RoofersCoffeeShop® partner, Heidi J. Ellsworth.

Discussions focused on how augmented reality will change field service, how robotics and automation both on the roof and in the air will impact the industry, how GPS and other tracking can save thousands and how technology will change the way the industry interacts with home and building owners as well as with insurance companies.

A question and answer period followed which enabled contractors in attendance to ask questions and learn further about how the technologies available today can have an immediate impact on their businesses. The room and the hallway were buzzing with curiosity and the desire to learn more about advancing their companies through the use of technology.

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RT3 talks tech: A Q&A with Ken Kelly of Kelly Roofing

The Roofing Technology Think Tank hosted a panel on roofing technology at last week’s International Roofing Expo in Nashville, Tenn. Panelist Ken Kelly is an RT3 board member and president of Kelly Roofing, a 47-year-old family business in South Florida. He shared his thoughts with Roofing Technology SmartBrief.

Roofing Technology SmartBrief: Tell us about Kelly Roofing. How long have you been in business, what part of the country do you serve, how big is the company?

Ken Kelly: Kelly Roofing was started in 1972 by my father, Joe Kelly Sr., in Naples, Florida.  We continue to operate in the South Florida market for decision-makers of existing roofs.  Our staff of 230 works on almost 10,000 roofs each year, offering both repair and replacement services to all kinds of roof systems and building uses.

RTSB: What is your role in RT3?

Kelly: As a board member of RT3, I assist with direction, decisions and our core focus.  It’s important to me that our industry’s disruption occurs from within in an inclusive and open way for all to participate.  

RTSB: What was your overall impression of the International Roofing Expo?
Kelly: The IRE is the pinnacle event for our industry. It’s the one event each year that showcases products, techniques, training and best practices for the roofing industry. As products are always evolving, it’s important to stay up on the changes so we are utilizing the latest products to help our customers.

It would be a mistake to miss out on all the show floor “how-to” events.  This is the quickest way to understand the techniques of successful roof performance. I believe in Kaizen, a lifetime commitment to learning and improvement, which is why attending the continuing education tracks is a must.

Unlike other industries, roofing is one big family full of big-hearted, dedicated people who love to help others.  The IRE is a great way to catch up with old friends, meet new ones and seek advice from those who have been there.

RTSB: Tell us about the RT3 meet-up at Vanderbilt University

Kelly: RT3 has several Task Teams.  From Future Workforce to Communications and from Technology to Showcases, our members scour the globe and bring back valuable insight that may have an impact on our industry.  Our meet-up at Vanderbilt University, like the others before it, was a chance for the Task Teams to present their hard work since our last time together.  It’s amazing to see the speed at which our world is changing and I’m glad to be a part of an organization dedicated to parsing out the noise to bring the best possibilities to our industry.

RTSB: You participated in the RT3 roofing technology panel. How was the response from attendees?

Kelly: As one of the largest attended sessions at IRE, it was clear just how thirsty roofers are for technology.  I’m impressed by the amount of technology already implemented by roofers and their willingness to invest in new possibilities.  The content shared by the panel was very well received and clearly succeeded in our mission of improving lives in the roofing industry.

RTSB: What was your role in the panel? What was your message?

Kelly: Each panelist took an emerging technology and spoke about its possibilities and current deployment.  I focused on augmented reality, a way to cast digital reference in the physical world.  My discussion was focused mainly around the Microsoft HoloLens product and how it could be utilized for training, inspecting and visualizing roofs.  This product and the work Microsoft is doing around it is very exciting and could easily improve our lives and the lives of others.

 RTSB: How important is adoption of new technologies to the future of the roofing industry?

Kelly: There’s an infamous quote from the movie “Tommy Boy” staring the late Chris Farley, “You’re either growing or your dying!”  I believe that quote perfectly sums up the importance of embracing new technologies in the roofing industry.

RTSB: What particular technologies do you see as key?

Kelly: We are still in the infant stages of drones, augmented reality, virtual reality, digital fabrics, robotics, Internet of Things, software automation, visualization, GPS and so much more.  The key is not to think about the technology and then apply it to our industry.  The key is to ask, “What JOB are we performing for our customers?”  Hint: It’s not putting on and maintaining roofs.

RTSB: What technologies has Kelly Roofing adopted?

Kelly: We are about to wrap up a 5-year partnership with Microsoft focused on business process automation where we have one software platform to run our entire business.  The software is a silent manager, ensuring the promises we made are delivered.  This includes marketing, estimating, sales, procurement, ordering, scheduling, accounting, HR, communications, billing and asset tracking.

RTSB: How have these technologies improved your business?

Kelly: Being selected as one of only 13 companies in the world to receive the Visionary Award from Microsoft in 2015 was a huge honor, but it is the opportunities we have created for our employees and the large group of loyal customers that I’m most proud of.

RTSB: What technologies on the horizon do you see as the next step forward for roofing?

Kelly: We are now working on an IoT project that we believe will make a big difference for roof owners and roofers.

RTSB: Anything you care to add?
Kelly: This was fun.

Sign up for the RT3 Smart Brief for more great industry news and technology talks from RT3.

RT3 Plans Activities Around the International Roofing Expo (IRE)

Members of RT3 will kickoff their activities at the IRE by hosting a meetup on Sunday, February 10 at 2 p.m. at Vanderbilt University. The meetup will allow members to review their various task teams’ progress on initiatives that were identified last fall when the group gathered at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington. Following a tech talk by Larry Bridgesmith, Adjunct Professor of Law and Coordinator, Program on Law & Innovation, RT3 members will tour the Wond’ry, the epicenter for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Vanderbilt University.

RT3 will also host an educational panel on Wednesday, February 13 at 7:45 a.m. The session is titled Contractor to Contractor: Technology Innovation Panel and features five contractors sharing their successes and challenges with implementing technology into sales and marketing, operations, back office, health and safety and recruiting. The panel participants include Steve Little, President of KPOST Roofing and Waterproofing; Ken Kelly, President of Kelly Roofing; Gregg Wallick, Best Roofing; Michelle Boykin, COO of Rackley Roofing; and Josey Parks, CEO of J Wales Enterprises.

The panel will be moderated by Heidi Ellsworth, Partner at RoofersCoffeeShop® and the topics to be discussed during the panel include:

  • Augmented reality – as it relates to the aging workforce, training, assessment and testing, mapping and location as well as leak detection
  • Robotics – using drone technology and understanding what rooftop robotics and equipment are available and in use on the roof
  • Technology that impacts operations – exploring solutions that address safety and injury prevention in addition to time-tracking technologies that are helping contractors be more efficient
  • Artificial intelligence and digital technology – examining how this technology can be used for prospecting, assessments, virtual selling and jobsite monitoring
  • Software stacks – understanding how to get all the different software that your business is using to work together and talk to each other
  • Future of technology in roofing – discussing what it will look like 5 or 10 years from now

These discussions are led by roofing contractors who are currently using these solutions in their business with the goal of helping other contractors understand the technologies and how they can implement these solutions in their own businesses.

Be sure to follow us on social media as we will be sharing updates on Facebook and Twitter during all the events!

Learn more about the International Roofing Expo.

How to Use Mobile Technology for Your Business in 2019

By Kate Foster, AccuLynx.

Your smartphone can be used for almost anything these days. From ordering food to getting a lift to the airport, there’s an app for it. So why shouldn’t you be able to run your roofing business from your phone or tablet? Here are some ways roofers can make the most out of mobile technology for their businesses.

Marketing with Social Media

Everyone is on social media nowadays, making it one of your most valuable marketing tools. Social media apps can be accessed from anywhere, making them incredibly convenient.

Say one of the jobs you just completed is top-notch work and you want to share it. Snap a quick picture and post it to your Facebook or Instagram page for all your followers (and potential customers) to see. You can also spread the word for events, special promos or new services using social media.

The bonus to these mobile marketing opportunities is the amount of people who will see them. No longer do you have to send out individual emails or snail mail. Instead you can reach thousands with a single post.

Mobile-Friendly Website

Mobile technology is not just for the company end of your business; it can help make your company more accessible to your customers as well. Have you ever clicked on a website on your phone and only part of it pops up on your screen? In that moment it seems like there is no greater annoyance. Help your customers avoid this nuisance by making your website mobile-friendly.

This will potential customers to see your information in the correct scale, so they will not have to scroll and zoom to find what they were looking for. Making your website compatible with mobile devices means you can make the most of technology because it allows for easier usage and accessibility for your customers.

Access Business Information Instantly

One of the largest benefits of mobile technology is that you can use it from anywhere. You can navigate your company’s website, respond to emails and update social media at any time.

Mobile devices also have access to the cloud, allowing you to carry all of your important documents and information with you wherever you go. You’ll never forget a document back at the office or have to lug around heavy paper work again. Having access from anywhere also helps you answer clients’ questions or show them plans on the jobsite, improving your customer service and leading to a happier, well-informed client.

Having the flexibility to work from anywhere and access your information no matter where you are is a huge benefit to your business.

Mobile technology’s ability to simplify the use of your services, connect directly to social media, and provide access to your documents from anywhere make it a must-have tool for your company.

Source: AccuLynx.