Tag: <span>Steve Little</span>

Webinar Recording: Virtualizing Your Roofing Business in Light of Coronavirus

March 18, 2020 – During this worldwide pandemic, many owners of roofing companies have questions and concerns about their ability to thrive in this uncharted territory.

In this webinar recorded March 18, 2020 you’ll hear the following roofing industry experts share their insights on how a roofing company can virtualize their business to avoid the inevitable impact of the virus.

Marketing Expert: Anna Anderson, Art Unlimited
Sales Expert: Ryan Groth, Sales Transformation Group
Commercial Roofing: Steve Little, KPost Company
Residential Roofing: Ken Kelly, Kelly Roofing
Legal Ramification Expert: Trent Cotney, Cotney Construction Law

Access the Master Resource Document here


Contractor turns to technology to complete large install with fewer crew needed

By Tom Whitaker, RT3.

KPOST Roofing & Waterproofing is one of the most successful contractors in the U.S.  But even they have had problems finding workers.  So, when they were awarded the contract to build the 8000 square-foot roof for Facebook’s new data center in Fort Worth, Texas they were excited and concerned at the same time. If the project didn’t keep to the bid schedule, how would they allocate the workers the job required without a negative effect on their other projects?

Technology to the rescue.

Steve Little, a KPOST founder who calls himself “Head Coach” and his staff began discussions with manufactures of modified bitumen for tools that could reduce the labor required on the rooftop.  They found a tool that was primarily being used in Europe and Canada that can apply roofing membrane in a way similar to how a paver applies asphalt to a road.  The machine is called a Mini-Macaden® and it’s manufactured by SOPREMA®.

The type of system being applied at Facebook’s data center would ordinarily take a crew of ten people.  The Mini-Macaden that KPOST would employ reduced that number to six people.  That’s a 40% labor savings!!!

Additionally, this new technology reduced the amount of material waste, propane used, and increased the safety on the site because there were fewer open flames.

With less workers on the job, it wouldn’t be crazy to assume that the job might take longer.  But that’s not the case.  The Mini-Macaden used by KPOST was actually able to apply the roof system faster so the job is currently ahead of the roofing production schedule.

Doing more with less.

According to SOPREMA’s website, with traditional welding techniques, a crew can average between 5 to 9 rolls per hour. SOPREMA predicted that a four-member team using the Mini Macaden, could be expected to install over 20 rolls per hour. KPost is getting more like 16-17 on this Facebook project in the side open areas.  Still an amazing improvement.

“Completing our projects much faster allows KPOST to move our crews to the next job quicker, maximizing our revenue potential during the construction season,” says Little.

With a huge segment of the workforce nearing retirement and fewer younger workers entering the construction trades, technology can be the silver bullet.  Companies like KPOST have realized this and it’s given them an advantage.  Will your company follow or fall behind?

Stay up-to-date with the latest roofing and technology news when you subscribe to RT3’s Smart Brief newsletter.

Roofing Technology Think Tank Elects Board of Directors

The newly elected board of directors will serve terms that range from one to three years in length.

Roofing Technology Think Tank (RT3), a group of progressive roofing professionals focused on technology solutions for the roofing industry, announced that it has elected six directors of the board at its May 9 virtual meetup.


RT3 was formed to act as a conduit for curating knowledge on technologies that can help roofing contractors and the roofing industry overall.  Formed in July of 2017, the group has grown from twenty founding members to over sixty.  The think tank was officially incorporated in 2018 and now is proud to announce its new board of directors.


Heidi J. Ellsworth, Partner, RoofersCoffeeShop.com and Karen Inman, Chief Operating Officer, Antis Roofing and Waterproofing, will serve three-year terms on the board. Steve Little, Head Coach at KPost Roofing & Waterproofing and Ken Kelly, President of Kelly Roofing will serve two-year terms while Trent Cotney, Cotney Construction Law and Tom Whitaker, President of Harness Software will serve one-year terms.


The board will support the RT3 mission statement and work to successfully accomplish its objectives to support and advance the adoption of technology within the roofing industry.  According to its mission statement, “Roofing Technology Think Tank (RT3), is a consortium of thought leaders exploring emerging technology solutions for the roofing industry, striving to inform contractors by bringing together progressive and disruptive solutions that help build the professionalism and appeal of the roofing industry,”


The think tank meets six times a year, four virtual and two live.  Past live meetings included tours of Georgia Tech, BuiltWorlds and the U.S. Capitol.  Future meetings will continue to be held at innovative locations that will help enlighten the group on progressive technologies that can make a difference in the roofing industry.


“It is about education and the initiative to understand and then disseminate innovative technologies into the roofing industry,” stated Heidi J. Ellsworth.  “One of the ways to attract the new generation and a diversified labor force is to incorporate the use of technology including robotics, drones, software, cloud solutions and cutting-edge technologies that we are not even aware of yet.”


For more information about RT3, visit www.rt3thinktank.test.